New measurements by Enfield Green Party show that air
pollution is a threat to everyone in the borough - and particularly to children.
We measured the average levels of toxic pollutant
Nitrogen Dioxide during January and found them to exceed the legal level at half the sites measured. In
Bowes ward, for instance, four out of six measurements exceeded the level
whilst the other two were only 5% below it.
“This has shocked even me” said Ronald Stewart, the Green Party
candidate for the London Assembly (Enfield and Haringey), “though I expected
the results to be bad.” Previous research has shown that air pollution kills over
9,000 Londoners each year (1, 2). The new data shows that some of these must be
Enfield residents despite Enfield’s being a leafy outer London borough.
Children are particularly at risk from air pollution as
their developing lungs are especially vulnerable. “We measured levels outside
three Enfield schools” Ronald explained. “and found illegal levels outside
Bowes and Tottenhall Schools. The Bowes level exceeded the legal limit by 66%!
The level outside Eversley Primary was legal but still worryingly high.”
“I am really worried about these figures.” said Anna
Wilkinson, a Bowes school mum. “I knew the air was bad along the
North Circular but the problem is clearly much more widespread”.
Air pollution causes more premature deaths than alcoholism
or obesity. Only smoking causes more early deaths than air pollution in Britain
(3). It has been strongly linked to asthma, lung cancer and cardiovascular
illness. It also causes substantial economic losses (4).
Most of London’s air pollution is due to emissions from road
vehicles. It is a London-wide problem and requires decisive action from TfL
which should extend the Ultra Low Emission Zone to the North Circular.
Green Party mayoral candidate Sian Berry is also determined
to reduce air pollution. As mayor she would speed up the switch-over to cleaner
buses and taxis, exclude of the most polluting vehicles from our roads, improve
public transport and support local authorities in reducing speed limits to 20
“The 20 mph limit has just been introduced in Haringey’,
says Ronald Stewart. “It’s time to extend it to Enfield.”
Green Party activists distributed information about
air pollution and Green Party commitments for action at various locations
around Enfield on Monday March 14th.
1) Walton, et al, 2014:
Understanding the Health Impacts
of Air Pollution in London. Report for Transport for London and the
Greater London Authority.
2) From ref 1:
“The total mortality burden in 2010 from PM2.5 and NO2 [was]
… equivalent to 9,416 deaths at typical
ages.” Of this:
- 3,537 deaths were due to fine particles (PM2.5)
- Up to 5,879 deaths were due to long-term
exposure to NO2.
Also “in
2010 PM2.5 and NO2 were associated with approximately 1990 and 420 respiratory
hospital admissions respectively with an additional 740 cardiovascular hospital
admissions associated with PM2.5.”
4) Also from
ref 1: “The estimated economic costs of the above health impacts ranged from £1.4
billion … to £3.7 billion …. Inclusion of other less well
established health outcomes would increase the economic costs.” Thus the per person cost is somewhere between
£160 and £430 per year.